Monday, November 3, 2014

Easy Creamy Cauliflower Soup

I'm back with a bang, y'all! I know it's been awhile since I've posted a new recipe, and what better way to celebrate my return guessed it, a cauliflower recipe!! You probably can't believe I found something else delicious to do with our cruciferous friend.

This soup is so easy and the texture is divine. I do realize that this picture doesn't do it justice, but I never promised I was a food photo editor.

This soup has essentially 2 ingredients: green onion and cauliflower. The only other thing you need is a blender -- make sure you get this nice and smooth. You'll be rewarded with a dish that reminds you of a creamy potato soup. This is for a big batch, and you could easily half it. I just prefer to do this once and then enjoy throughout the week. Be sure to re-season -- I find this needs a healthy amount of salt for my tastes.

Let me know how it turns out for you!

Easy Creamy Cauliflower Soup

2 tbps olive oil
3 bunches green onion, chopped (white and green parts)
2 heads cauliflower, chopped into florets (you will puree, so looks do not matter)
8 cups water
Salt and pepper
Goya Adobo Seasoning, optional (no MSG)

Warm the olive oil on low in your pot. Add the chopped onions and cook for about 10 minutes until nice and soft but not brown.

Put in the cauliflower, some salt (~1/2 tsp to start) and 3/4 cup water. Turn heat to medium-low, cover pot, and cook for 20 minutes or until tender. If you half the recipe, this may take only 15 minutes.

Add 7 cups water, bring to low simmer and cook for another 30 min (20 min if half recipe) uncovered until cauliflower is nicely softened.

Let the soup cool a bit and then work in batches to puree the soup to very smooth -- no lumps. You can use a blender (I love my vitamix) or stick blender. This step is key to success here, so be sure you get the creamy texture.

Season the soup with salt, pepper, and adobo (start with 1/2 tsp adobo). Remember that Adobo has salt in it, so taste as you go.

If you want to get fancy, sprinkle some chopped chives on when serving and/or drizzle with excellent olive oil.

Easy Creamy Cauliflower Soup

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